Grace a L’Heureux Cyclage we found ourselves amongst friends at Repeyre, a little, fast growing recyclerie and atelier a velo auto reparation, in Belin-Beliet.
Our first day here we spent ‘a depalletage’, which does not mean pulling out hair, but turning pallets into pieces of wood ready to be made into something else. In this case a pedal powered watermill to send water up a tree we think…. It’s all part of a greater plan to create a spectacle in September.

The next day we brought our pedal power and had some fun, pedalling our blues away, while everyone else was fixing bikes….

And then we joined the convoy to deliver these two bicycles in the neighbourhood…

And then we joined the convoy to deliver these two bicycles in the neighbourhood…
The weekend came and we were invited to be part of the Repeyre team. There was room for us and the bike in the van, so we went to Rion de Landes to the Fete du Printemps at the Ecolieu Jeanot and pedalled all the blues away….
Eco-lieu Jeanot stands for - Jardin Educatif d’Agroécologie Nourricier et Ouvert à Tous and there is a lot going on here, ‘tis cool and loads of fun and inventive, we like very much these places
here’s a link to their page
They had a tandem powered water pump to water the garden….
and some other things made from old bicycle bits…
And of course there was a giant! What giant? A big one, with a limp, scaring all the kids around….
….. including these fine young italians who took refuge under the gold hat and pedalled the giant away.
Vive Repeyre !
Vive L’Heureux Cyclage !
Vive Les Eco-Lieux !
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