But who cares!? As long as we have bicycles to ride and flowers to pick all is fine.
The Brexit monster is looming large as we work our way through the horrendous, toxic slurry of traffic on the little island, slowly sinking....
Campsites without the licence to camp in tents.... Campsites where you have to bring your own toilet... Campsites not insured for tents....Campsites are no longer campsites!
The christmas pie trail... with a name like that, what else would one expect really!
Aaah, the wonderful world of Sustrans! This way? That way? Round the houses, through the industrial estate.... Where are we now?
Phew there is a light on the horizon that shines like a hub with golden spokes.... D.I.Y. bicycle workshops!
It's more like chasing Pokemons, virtual reality made real! Cyclist GO!
To calm us down, a little art in the trees and on the roads...
We finally got away from London round about Hungerford.... cider and the west country at last.
Ten minutes in the tunnel and we're there!
Darf Wader on holidays in the south west, enjoying the tunnels and of course the cider...
We had a great run of shows in the West Country.... Long live the Bristol Bike Project!
Aaaah the green and the trees of Devon and Cornwall!
It's time! Southward ho! The birds have left already...
Now it is us that fly across the rolling hills, the creeks and meadows
one last look at the gert lush
as we flee Brexit
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