Monday 26 October 2015

Oil be schraubing in Bremen and moain moin in Hamburg

No subtlety here, it's just OIL! and bicycles ! Looks like the bicycles are winning!
Just wait till we get to Hamburg....
But first Bremen a city full of trees and little front gardens full of pots and flowers and green things, BBQ's in the streets, people leaving things out on the bins and even an organised 'Freebox'... There must be Wombles here!
And creative Wombles they are too, painting trompe l'oels...
And some rather stylish, slicked back lions.
Shame about the beautiful bicycle shop closing down. We only got a glimpse through the window... but we like the wine holster and we liked Bremen!
And we liked the Freischrauber! What a fabulous workshop, buzzing with people, lots of Refugees getting their bikes and fixing them.
We had a great time playing our show to a full crowd, soaking up the atmosphere.
The Freischrauber celebrated their 6th birthday this summmer.
May they be fixing bikes for many more years to come!

Then on to Hamburg! Taking the Bremen to Hamburg cycle path we arrived into town through the old Elbtunnel...
.... straight into Germany's biggest Critical Mass!

With already hurting bums, after a 90 km day we joined another four to five thousand cyclists to take on the streets of Hamburg for a four hour jolly.
Some serious sound systems, including ours, this one was probably playing techno all evening...
Team 'High Viz' kept the crowds rockin' with Saturday Night Fever, Cumbia and Greek protest Hip Hop....
... Sigga Mi Kallipso!

Here a little impression of the evening with a bicycle tune by Speck

Bicycle by Speck    Speck / CC BY-NC 3.0

Our lovely friends Per and Sabine took us out into the dangerous big harbour of Hamburg on their little, little friend Paula. We spent the night of the Supermoon howling on the island with the other seafaring wolves...

Because Sabine couldn't come to see our show at the Nonstop Schwitzen Bar, we played for her and some other invited guests in the Kreativikum, Per's headquarters... it felt like playing on a train, but actually it was the corridors of a madhouse...

Another memorable performance was had courtesy of  The#Brake a weekly meeting point of the thriving bicycle culture of Hamburg...

The week we was there the Brake was at the Wilhelmsburg Pop up Festival where the Nonstop Schwitzen collective was running a pedal power smoothie bar.

And at the fleamarket on Sunday the mini velodrome of death!
We didn't dare to ride it... we still had a show to play in the afternoon.

To round our visit of, we met this Moai from Hamburg who wished us a safe journey onwards to Berlin...


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