" La beauté qui sauvera le monde, c'est la générosité, le partage, la passion, toutes ces valeurs [...] qui amènent à une énergie fabuleuse, qui est celle de l'amour."
Pierre Rabhi.
We agree with Monsieur Rabhi that it is generosity, sharing and passion that will save the world. Add them all together and it equals love. Which is what we have been receiving in abundance. We can’t believe how kind and generous people are. Everywhere we go we meet lovely people. A lot of them we have met through ‘Warmshowers’ which we think every cyclist will discover sooner or later.
Here is a little selection of some of our wonderful hosts.
In Plouguernel we met a whole three generations of one family and spent a glorious summer weekend together. We were playing on the beach, eating lots of food, singing around the camp fire and dancing the traditional Breton way with curled little fingers in the air.
We performed our show for them ‘a la maison’ in the beautiful garden of the summer house.
Sylvia is looking worried because of all the children that came to watch and Kevin is a monkey as usual.
Our friend Mel came to join us for a week from across the water to ease our way towards Blighty and offered us her house to stay in whilst we were in Bristol. Friends, love ‘em!
Kevin wants to share something too, so he is sharing a little Moment with a rock giant.
What’s the news on the giant front ?
That Hok Braz, the giant from Huelgoat, was as tall as the tower of the Chapel de Kreisker in St.Pol de Leon.
… we sailed across the water….
…. to the shores of Britain……
…. and the land of Kernow where we shares a pasty.
Did you know that the Bretons refer to Brittany as La Petite Bretagne and the Britons refer to Britain as Great Britain? Who got the bigger portion? And when did they divvy it up? And how come they each got a Cornwall? ‘Those who know they have enough are rich.’ - Lao Tzu
‘Voluntary simplicity is a manner of living that is outwardly simple and inwardly rich, a deliberate choice to live with less in the belief that more of life will be returned to us in the process.’— Duane Elgin
It’s true.
Voluntary Simplicity
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