O wheels, O gears, r-r-r-r-r-r-retourno
Le Tour Alternatiba!
Spring has sprung, carnival has been, it's time we were on the move!
We have a destination! We are very excited to be on our way to Paris soon, for the return of Le Tour Alternatiba. We had such a wonderfull time and made so many friends with the Tour Alternatiba 2015, we want to do it again!
From 9th of June to the 6th of October this year Le Tour Alternatiba will go on a 5000km journey on two triplet tandems, covering 180 regions of France and its neighbouring countries to spread a message of hope: Yes alternatives do exist, we can live differently, we can live better and we can act positively in the face of climate disruption!
We are getting ready for a second Petit Tour Alternatiba Transiberica and are hoping to be there for the grand depart in Paris!
We are slowly saying good bye to Portugal enjoying the flowers and the spring sun....
..... leaving our rusty chains behind, transformed into creatures .....
.... enjoy our last moments of gazing into paradise.... it might be the last time this view sees water, the reservoir is scarily low....
... welcoming cyclists and seeing them on their way....
.... meeting dragons and hunting mushrooms in the mystical forest. This here magpie mushroom not for eating but sometimes shows you the way to chanterelles.... we didn't find any, not enough rain ....
The new bags are ready and packed full of inspiration....here is Paul Newman:
“Meet the future; the future mode of transportation for this weary Western world.
Now I’m not gonna make a lot of extravagant claims for this little machine.
Sure, it’ll change your whole life for the better, but that’s all.”
Bicycle salesman in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1969
Here´s one for the collection of passe-tetes and a burnt eucalyptus forest to contrast the silly face.
Youpi! We finally met the rest of the Sines to Braga motorway, a modern ruin of comprehensive redevelopment, this is considered progress, a necessary part of entering the modern world...
And then Killiok has to come and tidy it all up! Killiok takes care of Europe by Anne Brouillard
Enter the liminal ! The space between no longer and not yet.
We're on the road again to live with uncertainty, to let go of our dreams of control.