...." the real Don Quixote, he who remained on earth and lives among us with his spirit - this Don Quixote was not converted, this Don Quixote continues to incite us, to make ourselves ridiculous, this Don Quixote must never die " Miguel de Unamuno
Looking through my binoculatos what can I see! The most delicious boobitatos!
To remind us of the beautiful summer we had, we look back at a fun show in Montelimar with Montelovelo and the kids in the playground of the housing estate. Yes!
A little cycle up the valley of the Drome, to ploof and splash in the river and visit our friends in Die....
Back down in the valley of the Rhone we have a funtastic, clowntastic Velorution with Alternatiba Valence!
Team Tour Alternatiba go! So good to see old friends and make new ones at Valence Atelier Libre, what a place!
Sniff, sniff.... of into the future go les Alernatibistas! A la prochaine!
Some picnic areas are just really sad, particularly the ones that are sponsored by hydro electric power stations.... our spirits were lifted by the sculpture...
Mooooh, high up in the mountains of Chambery, we pilgrimage to a giant cross to have a lovely pic-e-nic....
... the cows are friendly and so are the people in the Velobricolade, Chamberies beautiful D.I.Y bike workshop!
We like this part of the world! Meeting Julien again, another blast of a show in a bike workshop, one euro chocolate, grapes a plenty.... maybe we'll be back in March for the bianual forum du voyage a velo Velosons....
Comforting imagery on a nuclear power station, a child innocently playing on the beach..... a swan floating on a lake in the Dombs....
Velovagabondes keep your eyes peeled for the beautiful casa ciclista, gente estupendos, Velorutionaires universelles, people of joy and simplicity at Les voies d'la Fourche at Champvert just outside Decizes.
Where else could you have a summer fair with anarchist potatoes on the run trying to find their way back to to the mountain of Amidon...
.... on the planet Terre de Pommes..... the repieced map with only one square missing....
The campsite in Bourbon Lancy is a bit like being in the velo monkey zoo.... No! I'm not turning left down that there ditch!
Yes! Lets drive to the traffic jam festival in Lapalisse! Lets make a traffic jam... No! Lets follow the rainbow!
Lets follow the rainbow to the carpeted cycle path with sculptures and heavy rock music to make you groove....
Tile art Nr.17
The way to another wonderful show! Some people play Wembley Stadium, we play an abandoned tennis court chez Cathy and Gilles in the wonderful Domain de l'Ocrerie, chambres d'Hotes et maison des arts fantastique!
And one more show, the last one for this year in Toucy at La Californie newly formed recycling paradise cum cultural space!
Thank you Gilles for the balada triste flyer.....
Alors, winter is upon us. No more pic-e-nic baskets until the spring and the release of Johnny Gigant and the Puta Benshi!
Thank you to all you weird, wonderful and absolutely lovely people that made this past year an impossible dream made possible!
And remember folks: “For neither good nor evil can last for ever; and so it follows that as evil has lasted a long time, good must now be close at hand.”― Cervantes, Don Quixote