Wo sind wir? Grandhotel Cosmopolis.
Things go missing everyday, things go wrong and everything always works out fine…
… friendly porters invite you for dinner….
…. you make lots of friends…
…. it feel’s like you’re on holiday in an exotic country… sometimes you meet rock stars….
…. sometimes poets….. ….. sometimes boxing champions ….
…. one big happy family really…
We spent the winter helping, working, cooking, bar tending, putzing, clowning,
checking in, checking out, decluttering, fleamarketing, generally making a nuisance out
of ourselves. We was appreciated though! And we appreciated being here!
We also had some fun with funtabulous bicycle peeps from the Bikekitchen Augsburg...
… here trying to track stand still for a photo at Augsburgs 1st Trackstand Competition…
…. and look there’s a Velobici …
And we did our show in a theatre with lights! Out of control lights!
The show is as ever constantly evolving.
We’ve been joined by two new Benshi, Bebop and Alula.
Thank you Hoteliers, Bikekitcheners, Praktikantums and all displaced persons here !
Merci le Grand Hotel!
“ This planet is for everyone, borders are for no one. It’s all about freedom “
Benjamin Zephaniah, Refugee Boy