Monday 28 May 2018

Ongi Etorri

On arrival, Vitoria Gasteiz was milling with people. The first sunny weekend of the year, children playing football in the town square, people eating ice cream everywhere.... The children welcomed us and escorted us to the old local prison Gaztetxea Gasteizko Gaztetxea. This casa occupada was celebrating its 30th Birthday this weekend! Woohoo! For us however it was the wrong casa occupada, but from here it was easy to find the place we were looking for....

Los Arkillos 10! Casa ocupada numero dos, a beautiful house with a bicycle workshop every thursday and....

... a bunch of wonderful, creative, gert lush people!

We met the Kolectivo Monstrenko a associative little theatre space. Unfortunatelly it was all a bit last minute to organise a show there. So we'll have to come back to this beautiful city one day!

Onwards, upwards, downwards into the pais Vasco profundo where we came across a shrine to the holy mary virgen, reina del mundo, guardian of all the lands travelled by cyclists, lovers of beautiful nature. Which was nice. We are happy to be protected, especially as we are just about to enter France with its dangerous drivers. We left a zip tie as an offering and cycled on happily.....

.... into the green, the lush green, the beautiful rainbow of green....

We drank cider, juggled scarves and met some true adventurers, la familia Mundu Byciclette

Onwards upwards sideways..... downwards..... oops!

Et maintenant le pays Basque, nous sommes des txirrindulari chez le atelier participatif Txirrind'ola!
The workshop is like a little museum, with beautiful old bicycles, bicycle art on the walls, an antique trueing stand and customized sewing machine bike stand tables....

It is here that we play our first show of this summers tour in France....

It's the first of May and we join the manif with some of our old friends from Le Tour Alternatiba and Bizi!
In solidarity with migrants and refugees...

and finally zure asmakizun bat.... a little riddle for you

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